Cancer is a deadly disease. Cancer can be anyone. It does not have any age Pain, bleeding, and sudden increase in weight, difficulty in breathing; blood clots are its main symptoms. Most people ignore early signs of cancer. This is the reason that patients are not quickly recovering. Different types of cancer, cervical cancer, blackhead cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, brain tumours, oesophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, bone cancer bleeding cancer etc. On the occasion of World Cancer Day, we are telling you some horrendous statistics related to cancer, which you need to know.
According to a report by the National Cancer Prevention and Research Institute, by the year 2020, more than 17 lakh new patients in India can get cancerous. It can also kill more than 8 lakh people. In the year 2016, the figure was above 14 lakh, which could increase to 17 lakh 30 thousand in 2020. If the cancer was to die, this figure was 7.36 lakh in 2016. In this research, it has been found that breast cancer cases and oral cancer cases are most common in women.According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, there are 14 million cases related to cancer every year in India and at this pace, the number of people affected by cancer can increase by 25 present by 2020. By that time, 1.7 lakh people will be affected by cancer.Under World Health Organization, five lakh people are being killed by cancer every year in India.
You must be surprised that only one oncologist is present among the 700 affected people in the country. Only 12.5 per cent of the people in the country are diagnosed with cancer, the treatment can be started soon. In the year 2016, the total number of deaths due to cancer has been 736,000.Mouth and lung cancer is most commonly found in Indian men. In women, cervical and breast cancer is more common.In India, about 122,000 new cases of cervical cancer occur every year, in which about 67,500 women are present. 11.1percent of total cancer related deaths are cervical cancer.According to the Population-based Cancer Registry (PBCR), about 14,000 new breast cancer patients are coming up in India in one year.According to the United Nations, 50 lakh people lose their lives every year due to tobacco all over the world.
Can cancer be defeated?
The answer to this question is that screening and regular check-up can help to some extent but it is not a complete method of detecting cancer-like illness.Doctors say that people of India can beat cancer by choosing better lifestyle. About two-thirds of the world's cancer cases are linked to lifestyle. This means that it can be prevented. It is important to spread awareness about tobacco and alcohol so that people know that these are things that can cause cancer in tissues. Apart from this, obesity is also a major risk factor for cancer.Experts say that the government should also play a proactive role in coming forward in cancer prevention. Healthy life style is most important for cancer prevention. A country like India cannot afford the treatment of all its cancer patients, but spreading awareness can be possible to identify symptoms of cancer and its early identification. Because of cancer, people have to suffer mental, social and economic problems in their life. Not only is the death toll in this disease, but cancer patients also suffer from physical disorders, including poisonous chemotherapy and immortal trauma.There are researchers in search of such things, but they have not been successful till now. Although doctors have prepared a list of what to do and what not to do, the stress associated with cancer can be reduced.
Avoid such as cancer
- If you are having a physical relationship with someone who is affected by the Papilloma virus, then you may also get into it because this virus is spreading. Therefore, avoid making physical contact with any person.
- Try to eat more and leafier vegetables, gram and fruits. Fiber is present in vegetables and fruits, which has the ability to fight diseases. It is helpful in fighting a variety of cancers. Fruits and vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, tomato and carrots should definitely be eaten.
- Do not use contraceptive pills for a long time. Women have a risk of developing breast cancer or liver cancer by using longer contraceptives. It also increases the probability of heart attack. Never use Hormone-related therapies.
- The minimum intake of sugar should be taken. It has been found in one study that the possibility of colorectal cancer in women increases significantly due to intake of sugars.
Indian women and cancer:
Cancer is a major cause of death in Indian women. It is being told that due to the lack of awareness and longstanding identity, women are engaged in death cheeks. After China and America, the number of women suffering from cancer in India is growing at a rate of 4.5 to 5 percent per annum. According to the Report for Call for Action, the number of women suffering from cancer in India is 7 million, but this figure is from 1 million to 1.4 million. In Indian women, cases of universal and breast cancer are high and they have more effect on their death than any other reason.According to the figures of FICCI, E & Y, there was about 19 percent of breast cancer cases, 14 percent of servicularusretry and 7 percent of Overy related in cases of cancer in women. If there is a picture of Indian states, more cases of cancer have been reported in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. According to the report, where there is a lack of information in the cases of cancer in women, there is a lack of information in the medical profession.
Role of Obesity
According to the report, cancer is detected in the investigation of 2000 women every day, in which 1200 women have cancer in the final stages. In the last stage, the possibility of their dying of cancer increases after 3 to 17 times after the cancer has been exposed. Due to late recognition, the cost of treatment increases. According to estimates, the cost of treatment in late stage cancer increases from 1.5 to 2 times the cost of normal treatment. Doctors say that the risk of cancer due to obesity is high. If globally, obesity in women in India has increased twice in 2014 compared to 2004 levels. Consumption of alcohol in women has increased three times in 2014 compared to 2000.