New cancer vaccine ready for human trials
A team of researchers has designed a novel cancer therapeutic vaccine that has the potential to treat numerous blood cancers as well as solid malignancies including breast, lung, renal, ovarian and pancreatic cancers. It works by targeting cancers that express a highly immunogenic tumor?associated antigen transcription factor Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1). The team published findings from a preclinical study in July 2020.
The FDA has approved the first treatment for Ebola
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced October 14 that Inmazeb, a cocktail of lab-made antibodies developed by the pharmaceutical company Regeneron, can be used to treat adult and pediatric patients with Ebola. The announcement comes less than a year after the FDA greenlit the first Ebola vaccine
FDA has approved the first drug to treat peanut allergies
Food and Drug Administration approved the first drug aimed at peanut allergies in the United States. The drug, called Palforzia, won’t allow allergic children to chomp PB&J’s, but it may reduce the dangers of unintentional exposure.