Iran is full of many wonders. One of these is the Salt Mountains. These are also called Salt Domes Such mountains are found in the south, south-west and central areas throughout Iran. The main part of these mountains present in Iran and Azerbaijan is in Iran itself. Their maximum quantity is found in the Zagros Folded Zones and the Paras Gulf region.
Iran is well right here. These mountains are most visible in the Hormozgan, Kerman, Semnan and Ghom provinces of Iran. Iran's most beautiful salt mountains are Jashak Salt Dome in Bushehr County, Namakdan on Ghasam Island, Kener Siyah and Jahani in Fars Province, Anguran in Janjan and Ghome County in Ghom Province. One can recognize them only by looking at them from a distance. They are of different colours, sizes and variations. Salt mountains are formed due to different reasons of land origin. It also defines him. These are a kind of Karst Mountains. There are also caves, waterfalls and salt glaciers. Such a beautiful sight is not seen anywhere else in the world.
Because the Zagros Mountains of Iran were formed when the Arabian Tectonic Plate and the Eurasian Plate collided with each other. Because of them, ridges and faults were formed at places. In the process of making these, salt diapers were made. That is, mountains of salt. This place has not yet been included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site but it is being considered for inclusion in the list.