When Dee Mani, now 44, was diagnosed with breast cancer last March, her doctors suggested chemotherapy. However, due to losing her sister to cancer after having chemotherapy, Dee was too afraid to go down the conventional route.
She decided to take cannabis oil after researching natural cancer remedies online. She said she took one drop inside a capsule every night before going to bed because she didn’t care for the taste or texture of it on its own. Four months after her original diagnosis, her cancer had reduced significantly, and her doctors gave her the all-clear in August, just five months after starting cannabis oil.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of more than 80 cannabinoids, natural compounds found in the marijuana plant.
Extracted from the plant as a mineral-rich oil, it is usually bottled with a dropper - but also comes in the form of chewing gum, soap or as a vape oil for e-cigarettes. It has no side effects, either, and is not addictive. It has been reported to help people with epilepsy, rheumatism, migraines, psoriasis, acne, multiple sclerosis and depression.
Source: DailyMail.co.uk, Metro.co.uk, NaturalNews.com