Food consumption is now not just confined to meet the basic energy requirements of body or as a mean for mood modifier and enhancer but also as a source to enhance health attributes naturally. With the growing awareness and globalization, Indian consumers are looking for foods that provide extra benefits beyond meeting the basic nutritional needs. Here comes the role of super foods which are enriched with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, etc, that have many health benefits and are missing from our daily diet. Here is a list of top 10 superfoods arranged alphabetically, that have recently gained importance in the Indian market for their beneficial effects.
1. Amla or Indian gooseberries
It is a rich source of vitamin C and also high in antioxidants and apparently possesses anti-ageing properties. It improves eyesight, immunity, hair quality and also helps burn fat.
2. Basil seeds
They are commonly known as sabja or chia seeds and popularly used in preparation of faloodas during the summer, basically because for their cooling effect. It is also, an easy source of vitamins, iron, helps control blood sugar levels and aid in weight loss. They are also really good for your gut and can relieve constipation and bloating.
3. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolates are rich in flavanols, polyphenols and antioxidant and thus helps in anti-ageing, cancer prevention, improved heart health and good for overall cholesterol profile. It is good for heart. It is also a good source of iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.
4. Flaxseed
Flaxseed or commonly known as “Alsi” in Indian market is a must in daily diet especially for women population. It have high levels of omega-3 fats that help lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels, lowering blood pressure, promote brain function and prevention of breast, prostate and colon cancers. It is also known as a good source of vitamin B6, copper, phosphorus, folate, magnesium, dietary fibers, manganese and dietary fiber.
5. Ghee
It is a myth that (natural) fat is bad for you, instead it contains good fat which are essential for our body. It improves immunity and skin texture. It is rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid that protects against plaque, cancer and diabetes. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol and improve heart health. It s packed with butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that has several benefits, one of which is better digestion. It's packed full of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
6. Green Tea
Green tea is becoming a common term in Indian market and largely being consumed to aid in weight loss. Besides this, it contains the catechin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), known to have strong antioxidant properties and has been shown to help prevent and fight cancer.
7. Turmeric
It is a spice which is known for various health benefits from ages. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium. However, the main key therapeutic component of turmeric is curcumin that gives turmeric its super-powers. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic, wound-healing and anti-malarial properties, and researchers are finding even more potential uses.
8. Nuts
They are an easy source of healthy oils, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Besides this they are loaded with natural antioxidant i.e. Vitamin E. Infact nowadays there is a growing trend to eat it as a snack food instead of consuming junk foods. They are the perfect addition to a vegetarian diet, providing a quality alternative to many meat-based foods.
9. Oats
They are high in fiber, antioxidants, essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients and recently have gained popularity as a breakfast superfood. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels, keep blood sugar levels under control, aid with digestion, and improve metabolism.
10. Wheatgrass
It is a new entrée in Indian market as detox tonic, which is growing immense popularity. Wheatgrass is young grass of the wheat plant and is packed with energy, high levels of nutrients, and live enzymes that help humans digest the grass when consumed, allowing nutrients to enter the bloodstream quickly. It contains all essential amino acids and is loaded with chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals, offering a host of health benefits. It is also a rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.