It has been widely reported that children are less likely to get severely ill and die from the new coronavirus. A recent study of 44,672 people with confirmed covid-19 infection found that children under 10 years old made up less than 1 per cent of those cases and none of the 1023 deaths.
According to an article published Feb. 5 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. According to the data analyzed in that article — and numbers are changing quickly as the outbreak evolves — the median age of patients skews older, between 49 and 56 years old.
Normal flue is more common in children than the adults that means the new coronavirus is behaving very differently from other viruses, like seasonal influenza, which are usually especially dangerous for the very young and very old.
One hypothesis is that the innate immune response, that is the early response that is aimed broadly at groups of pathogens, tends to be more active," in children According to
According to website The innate immune system is the first line of defense against pathogens. Cells in that system respond immediately to foreign invaders. (The adaptive immune system, by contrast, learns to recognize specific pathogens, but takes longer to join the battle.) If the innate immune response is stronger in children exposed to 2019 nCoV, they may fight off infection more readily than adults, suffering only mild symptoms.
Source: Newscientist,