Cancer-causing worm Or Clonorchis is a liver fluke that can infect the liver, gallbladder and bile duct. Chlonorchis is found in Asia including Korea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan, and Asian Russia. Cancer-causing parasitic worm responsible for the deaths of about 26,000 people a year
The eggs of Clonorchis sinensis are ingested by snails in fresh water. After the eggs hatch, infected snails will release microscopic larvae that will enter freshwater fish. People become infected when eating the parasite containing cysts within infected raw or undercooked fish.
People become infected when eating the parasite containing cysts within infected raw or undercooked fish. Once ingested, cysts travel to the small intestine and liver where they feed upon the bile created by the liver and mature. The life cycle takes 3 months to complete in humans. Infected people will then pass eggs in their feces or may cough them up.
Long-standing, untreated infections, inflammation of the biliary system can lead to cancer, which can be fatal.
Cancer-causing worm could help heal chronic wounds
Research by a team at James Cook University in Queensland has found the 1cm-long oriental liver fluke secretes a growth factor that accelerates wound healing and blood vessel growth in tests on mice and cell cultures. The protein responsible could be especially useful in the treatment of chronic wounds, the incidence of which is expected to increase as the population ages.