Scientific India magazine ( Published under Scientific Planet Society) provides you with everything you need to know about what's new and what's next in Science, Technology, Health Science, Environmental Science, Space, Nature, National Security and much more. Each issue of Scientific India magazine includes feature articles written by scientists and engineers that include detailed illustrations. Scientific India Magazine Published Bimonthly from Dehradun India.
Scientific Planet Society (SPS) is scientific society of individuals interested in the science. SPS has more than 3,000 members. The mission of the Scientific Planet Society is to advance the science in India as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well being worldwide. (
Scientific India Awards and Honors Application & Nomination Deadlines
Young Scientist Award (23-40 Years)
Established Scientist Award (40-60 Years)
Applications due October 15, 2018
Award winners will also be featured in the SPS web page.
The award is open to all SPS members, but preference will be given to those who are in the first two years of a permanent position of scientist, Assistant Professor, postdocs, and students (PhD).
For questions about the award to Dr. Rahul. M. Srivastva email at [email protected]
Click for Application form :
Please send your application as a PDF file to: [email protected]
You will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received.
Last year awardees -Young Scientist And Established Scientist Award 2017
Thank you – SPA Nominating Committee